Friday, January 25, 2013

Turbulent Tyria, Guild Wars 2 "changes in the history of the world

In 1127 after the departure of six true God, the emperor Usoku control the country, he Kisu heir. The Usoku to spend a lot of money to equip his army, and sent them across the entire country. He defeated the Luxon and Kurzick, and these small states merged into his country. The emperor Usoku Cantha united to form a powerful whole, and other races out of the country. His regime, there is tyranny, a symbol of brutal ... those who do not obey the emperor ordered the unconditional driven out of their homes, they are helpless to flee Ilona and Tyria looking to refuge. (1) buy guild wars 2 gold

The rule of this regime, Cantha become more and more isolated, and when the aure under surfaced from the oceans, it has been unable to sail the waters of the west, which makes Cantha become more isolated. Since then, Cantha and Kryta contact completely interrupted, no one knows Cantha what happened. Sporadic vessels came Maguuma jungles along the southeast coast of Cantha is facing an unprecedented disaster, based on the rhetoric of these crew lost touch with Tyria, can only speculate about the emperor Usoku still holds Cantha control over, but what made what what kind of disaster, no one knows ... (2) buy gw2 gold

From Walei Si? Varesh Ossa defeated Abaddon fallen after a few years, Ilona has maintained a trend of peace. The sunspears footprint throughout the three continents. They tried to achieve the aspirations of the first people, but it was not long before Abaddon was liberated from the prison of God out, and Abaddon brought a monster, and this monster let Ilona into the dark years ...... ( 3)

The name of this monster Pallava? Palawa Joko Cormier God after 60 years, he convened the mummies, zombies, and other undead army of the Crystal Desert to Vabbi waging war, leading to the northern part of Ilona major drought and famine, and the Crystal Desert continues to expand. Pallava establish his new kingdom here. The defeat under Spear of Lieyang in the Pallava strong offensive, their members fled in all directions inside the vast majority of people have long forgotten their hero behest, they slowly become a wandering mystic, philosopher, lonely soldiers. The following day the glory moment Lieyang Spear final destruction Pallava I am very proud, He put the spear of members of those killed in the Lieyang into Dark Knight, so that they become a dark force hovering in Thailand Rhea southern land. cheap Wars 2 gold

Peru precept group
Secret the precept regiment crossed the the Ilona border, they first found the awakening of the dragon, but nobody believed them, then, they chose to expand its forces in Tyria, as many people want to change, and slowly teach them about the dangers of the world, as well as those the impact of race on the world. (4)

The them and Kryta, Ascalon people work together, and even continue to appear in Ilona Although unable to pass through the Crystal Desert, but the secret precept group finally maintain contact between Ilona help Ilona resistance Pallava and his legions of undead army. When the Lions arches submerged, secret precept group also contributed to the continuation of human knowledge, they rescued thousands of ancient scrolls, books, and other historical heritage, moved seats the baby mountain range near a Hide the convent. (5)  buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

Lions arches
When the aure surfaced, the flood submerged lion arches backwards back lion arches has become a pirate fortress. The voyage of Undead vessels departure from aure archipelago, found a safe haven for the lion arches ruins, this created an all race-neutral towns, hired ruled everything. War Order of the Islands also submerged temples were destroyed, priests of Balthazar once dispersed the rest of the people request Basa Ze summon Balthazar in the city to open a huge entrance leading to the fog of the world, the Lions became the Association arches a paradise, a world center of all Association is a channel leading to the Hero's Hall.
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1 comment:

  1. The voyage of Undead guild wars 2 gold vessels departure from aure archipelago, found a safe haven for the lion arches ruins, this created an all race-neutral gw2 gold towns, hired ruled everything.
